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We no longer read newspapers, no longer communicate on phones, no longer meet to discuss important changes that effect us, we don't know how to be relevant in the old political world.  We live in a social internet world.  We communicate using social technology, we are impatient, we want immediate information.  We are out of touch with politics and the government.
We no longer read newspapers, no longer communicate on phones, no longer meet to discuss important changes that effect us, we don't know how to be relevant in the old political world.  We live in a social internet world.  We communicate using social technology, we are impatient, we want immediate information.  We are out of touch with politics and the government.

We the People is an online political social networking service.  It provides a means for people to learn about relevant governmental issues, share knowledge and information, collaborate on issues, see clear unbiased information on topics and candidates, and help people vote.
We the People is an online political social networking service.  It provides a means for people to learn about relevant governmental issues, share knowledge and information, collaborate on issues, see clear unbiased information on topics and candidates, help people vote, and be a voice to elected officials and potential candidates.

== Overview ==
== Overview ==

Revision as of 00:59, 18 December 2014

United Responsibility (name is subject to change!!!) it s project that aims to provide visibility and accountability to elected officials words and actions while giving voters and potential voters a realtime voice to those in elected office.


We the People no longer read newspapers, goto town hall meetings, watch the news, have any contact with elected officials and are completely out of touch. Socially we have changed as a whole. We no longer talk or meet to cover important changes that effect us and our neighbors. We have become recluse, notified only of social updates using mobile devices.

Government is taking advantage of our disintrest and control is all but lost. We the people must take action to regain control, have information provided to us that we can understand and have a stage for our collective voice.

We the People

We no longer read newspapers, no longer communicate on phones, no longer meet to discuss important changes that effect us, we don't know how to be relevant in the old political world. We live in a social internet world. We communicate using social technology, we are impatient, we want immediate information. We are out of touch with politics and the government.

We the People is an online political social networking service. It provides a means for people to learn about relevant governmental issues, share knowledge and information, collaborate on issues, see clear unbiased information on topics and candidates, help people vote, and be a voice to elected officials and potential candidates.


Imagine a notification and infomative tool to communicate changes and decisions that a local/state and federal agencies are making, which is non-political speak oriented. Image this tool being configurable to notify voters of an up and coming decision that falls in a geographic region or within a predefined category.

Now imagine voters questioning their representatives current and past decision making. Do voters have a method to easily see what their elected officials have voted for or against in the past? Do they (you) have a method to understand the effect of a decision? Can a voter look and see which way a elected official plans to vote? Do elected officials have a method to know what THEIR people want on a given topic? The effect this tool would have on both the voter and the elected officials would be astronomic, and should be.

This project aims to take a social networking approach to topics that seem overly complex and plainly to hard to understand to the common voter while not being yet another fact finding source but to simplify topics/bills and to give voters visibility to elected officials records and planned directions with upcoming topics/bills that effect them (the voters).

Additionally, this platform can be a stage for debate and comparison of current and elected officials. With this, the platform can proof an official's record from day one and allow them to voice what items they would have disagreed/agreed on with their opponent.


  • Be completely unbiased to party or capital entity.
  • Provide quality information from the sides and center of all political isles.
  • Make elected officials listen to the voices of those that have put them in power.
  • Train voters to hold their elected officials accountable for their voting/actions and have a stage for this as well as a record of authority.
  • Put voters back in control of their government.
  • Attract young voters so that they will be involved with their future and take action when they feel it necessary.


Users and Accounts

Voter accounts

  • A user must create an account which will include their voting state/country or district, Age and gender.
  • Users can configured their account to be notified of upcoming bills/topics that are either regionalized or categorized.
  • This site will be accessible via the web but should focus on mobile platforms (phones and tablets).
  • Users will consist of voters and elected officials.
  • Users can choose to be notified via app or e-mail or none.

Official Accounts

  • Elected and running officials can make accounts but must be verified
  • Staff members should have access to areas of their official's accounts
  • A tool set will be available to officials that allows them to access trends and poll data from the platform


This is where we find ourselves on a slippery slope. We must provide up-to date and accurate info on agenda items. With this we need to provide an unbiased opinions from both sides and the center. Other items:

  • Past items that are comprable to the current item. What has the effect been?

Data sources

Reporting and Outsourcing data analsys

Long term

  • Polling Platform
    • allows comparison between what the people want as compared to what the official voted for. Trending of an officials ya/na's as compared to the voters.