Physical possessions

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How I love them so!

As much as I love them I have learned to hate them. Whatever your poison might be there is a high, a low and a middle. For me it has almost always been things of motion. Starting with Bicycles, then to Motorcycles, cars so on. TOYS!

There are a few things that everyone should understand that I have had to learn the hard way:

  • Anything you want you can have. If you want it bad enough it will drive you to work harder to get to your goal (I am not talking about relationships here, those are so different it is scary. Know this is you approach them both the same way).
  • Whatever it is you want, make it the best and be content with it. Don't up the anti once you have accomplished your initial goal. This can lead to you being lost.
  • Anything you have gained can always be replaced. (Again, this is not applicable to a relationship or partner. If you treat them the same you need to consider a serious change in your thinking.

When you work, the more you make the more you spend. The next thing you know your life is in a social competition with your peers. Who has the nicest car, the biggest house, the nicer cloths so on. How shallow can we all be! I hate walking into a house an seeing rooms that never get used, rooms that have no real purpose. I hate walking into a garage and seeing things that run on gas that never get used, started, run. Bikes that are so nice that even the best riders would require less, yet the social machine says that if you want to be perceived a certain way then you must compete and that your better product will make you faster, smarter, more efficient. To a certain level I am guilty of this even today but it is getting into check.

Long ago, more money meant a better product. This has changed. Many times people will by a bag because of the name on it, not because it will last longer, is more functional, and more reliable then the competition. How fucked is that. A bag! Get over it people and wake the hell up. Your going broke competing and making people that have brainwashed the social machine rich in the mean time. They are greet crooks that are stuck in the who's who world and are sad sad people.

No one thing is more important then ones drive, passion, ambition. To put a car, a bad, a house before helping a friend or a stranger is a complete failure of modern society. If you have been smart and lucky enough to live outside your means then you should consider spreading that advantage to those around you and in your life that you feel can benefit from it. Do you have 5 cars? Can you only drive one at a time? Do you have a close friend that needs help? Offer it up. This is not so cut and dry as it this can lend to a slippery slope but the idea here is pay it forward. As stated in FRIENDSHIPS, there givers, takers, and a lot more. Give when able but give carefully and with the understanding that you expect those you give to to respect whatever the object is as mush as you do. After all, your the one that worked, acquired, maintained and gave the object. Nothing is worse in this world then giving to those who do not understand what it takes to have gained. Additionally, when you give, remember you cannot hold this over the takes head. Give and know that you have given and you have entered an area that can be dangerous with your friend. Recently I have given and had my gifts ruin the friendship. When others do not treat or respect whatever the possession was (physical and monetary) resentment issues. You find yourself questioning the moral fiber of the receiver and in some cases see the true colors of your friends and those around you. This can be good and this can be bad. There is a difference between a gift and loan. I suggest the latter.

I want to finish up this topic with one more interesting case I have encountered. That of possessions inherited or left by someone lost or past. Here we have a case of trying to keep a memory of a person in an object. While I think this a berry good idea I also think it can be a crutch or a hangup point in someone life. We all need to move on when something happens in our lives that effects us deeply. Memories are just that, things that slowly degrade and are replaced by new events in life. A car owned by X or a Painting own by Y are just that, a physical thing. If you were given these things by someone then think of why they did so. Was it because they trusted you would not profit or gain from selling the item? Do you think they would want you to hold and protect it even at a detriment, even if it could provide you with the ability to follow your dreams? I don't think so. I think those that have left would like you to move on and to use whatever means you have to get someplace that you are happy. If you disagree then I am sorry that you were raised by someone so selfish that they brainwashed you into thinking they were the most important thing in the world and that nothing else can exist if they don't. For you that don't feel this way, use what ever you have to get where you want to go. Risk it, live in the now and not that then.

Anything can be replaced.