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THIS WEBSITE IS IN BEAT! I am in the process of building this site and have decided to make it public well before it is actually complete. Please understand that what you see here is a pure beta version. Thanks, //db 121010

Ever wonder what your meant to be doing? Why you have a pulse? Where it is all heading? You can wonder but don't let it ruin your days, live today and not tomorrow.

I do many things. I have a career path of a Network Engineer. I know more about computers then I care to admit. I race motor cycles, build motor cycles, cars, so on. All I really like to do is ride my bicycle and not have a phone in my pocket. Think that will ever happen? Ya, neither do I but a guy can have a dream and wake up with his head in the toilet once a year right?

I really do have a job as a network engineer and for some reason I feel that it is burning a hole in my soul. Something inside me (Soul) tells my mind that I am not doing what I was put here to do but that is for a different page.

In the mean time I work to hard, feel like shit constantly, run from friends and responsibility.

I have become a beleiver in that if something is meant to happen in your life then it will. How long you think one should site around and wait for said change before one gets off his lazy ass and makes changes. I don't know what kind of changes, take a guess. Job, Location, Habits, Traits, Friends, food, culture so on. Get the point skippy?

I know, I know, there are many things wrong with me. //db