I have traveled to almost every continent on the planet. Sometimes for the right reasons, sometimes for the wrong reasons.
Two of my trips I made extensive Image blogs for my friends around the globe. I figured if I were lucky enough to do something or go someplace amazing, that I would do my best to share it. While this was a time consuming process it was a lot of fun and I think people liked it. Along with the images came thoughts from my time at any one given place. These thoughts were sometime happy and sometimes dark. All in all I think they showed where my life was at the given time. I am a strange case, just bare with me.
Most of these trips were because a close friend, An-My Le, is a very active large format photographer. Some of her trips can be long and require the help of muscle and an extra set of hands.
2004: Europe by Train and Foot
In 2004, I was working for a company and had gone off to NYC. While I was in NYC I was working too hard and not getting the communication I wanted from the uppers in the company. Lets just say things were not going that well. At the same time I had just gotten out of a ringer of a relationship and I was dying to do something I had always wanted to do but to would never again get the chance to. I quit my job, packed up my shit, closed out my 401K, bought a first class Eurail pass and took the hell off.
2006: BaRain, Iraq and Kuwait
The Middle East This is a small little taste of this trip. I will redo this at some point.
2007: Japan, viewed from a different perspective.
I have yet to edit or post these but will. Easy killer. This is a lot of work and I have a day job.
2008: Antarctica by Plains, Trains, Busses and ice picks.
Antartica 2008 Going to the Ice for a month. My gracious boss at the time let me go and it was a life changer.
2008: Greenland by Plains, Plains and evil flys.
Greenland#1 2008 After going to the Ice, it was very interesting to see where the Air Force practices their ice landings. Greenland is an interesting place.
2010: Haiti days after a disaster
I have yet to edit or post images from this trip but I will. Bare with me.