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When did it get so fucking serious?
Has anyone besides me looked at what modern medicine has done to the average life expectancy of a man? Look at a few pictures of the men and women from the beginning of photography to say, the 40s or 50s. It is shocking to see what a 30 year old man looked like then. I would liken him to a man in his 50s today.
Things have changed. First, people died younger so they had to have kids young, get serious about life young to support the kids. These were go-getters that worked their fucking asses off. These people raised some serious kids but somewhere along the way, things started to change. America was up and coming as the place not to fuck with in every regard. We were firing on all cylinders and had critical mass, but slowly the kids were starting to be raised differently. They were starting to be protected from the world and its good and bad. That being said, some of the bad has gotten worse so it was justified, but to what end?
Today, people are not having kids until they are in their 40s. This is hard for the kids as this is well past the prime age for reproducing and it has created a bunch of new hindrances that we see in kids these days (evolution much?). Sadly, modern medicine is now enabling us to have kids later and later in life. Usually the body would adapt and learn how to support birth later into the years, but that is not happening fast enough for man, man wants it now! Fuck it right, I have the money? Jesus, this is a slippery slope.
Now we have a lot of old people that are able to get old because the modern support systems have gotten them so far, but what is going to happen when all these kids are born so late and have no parents to protect them! Oh dear God, will they have to go out and learn on their own? Poor them.
Personally, I think America has missed the boat on a few things. First, it is far too hard to have kids (financially). Public health is a new idea here, jobs are at an all time low, the cost of living is going up, houses are unaffordable (when they were our greed fucked it up). We have two political parties that are so consumed with money and power that they are forgetting how the fuck we got here. We have men and woman that were brought to the US or born in the US by people that wanted to be here, by people that understood that this place meant something. Those kids worked hard, they were taught to go out and work, make something, live the dream if you work to earn it. Today we are not having kids until we can afford it and we are so happy about it that we will do everything and anything for them. Pay to send them to school, let them slack while they "find" themselves. This is how you get a group of kids that neither work nor think. They are self-consumed and never think about the greater good. All they want to do is have fun, make money and talk about it later.
We knock the EU for its semi-socialist governments, but look at what is happening there. They have an educated, healthy, sustained youth that will carry them into the future without dictatorship. Yes, they pay 50% taxes, but so would I if it meant I could have a family and not die of a heart attack from stress. We have people running this country that were fed opinion as children by their parents. Opinions that were not factual. Opinions that made them believe certain things, things that are driven by the want for power and money. What the fuck happened! Open your fucking eyes people. This is all very broken. It might be OK now, but it is rapidly going south.
Getting back on track now, back to life (sorry for the rant).
Personally, I was raised in the most amazing environment I could imagine (this is my opinion and stated as such). Not rich, not poor, not pushed, not forced, not biased or skewed by jaded influences. There is a lot I don't know or understand, but let me tell you one thing, I am a lucky man. This I recognize and this I hope one day to be able to provide to my kids if I am lucky enough to have them.
I grew up with every option in the world at my fingertips. Schools, collage, careers, girls, kids, friends, toys, projects, houses. I chose my career path at an early age and I am lucky to have it, but it has left a void in me that is growing larger by the day. I make good money. I have had a lot of fun. I have traveled. I have met many. I have all the toys I could ever dream of. I own a house, cars, bikes, so on. Where does this land me? Having all I have ever wanted has left me wanting more.
What am I here to do? Make money? Check. Invest? Check. Take chances, do amazing things? Check. Be a good friend, have good friends? Check. There is still something missing. I have a strange genetic disposition for being the best at something on both side of the parental fence, but what will it be? Let me know when you get it figured out because I could use the help. I have always envied those that know at a young age what they are going to do with their lives. They get to start young and do it all the way. I have been allowed to learn so many things and get good at them that I am not faced with the harsh reality that I don't know what to do! Where do I begin.
I will keep looking. Keep working. Keep trying new things. Keep changing. Keep meeting new people. Keep telling bad friends to take a walk. I am waiting for everything to fall apart so that I can play my part. Mankind will come together in a time of need and will need people like all of us to support the next thing. Personally I can't wait.
In the meantime I will continue to not watch TV. Continue to not take Advil or anything when my body says it needs it help. Stay sharp, live the best I can, and be a better person.
Over and fucking out.
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