I am a guy with a lot of energy, not much time and a life that is flying by. Hard to talk about really.
My father's family has been based in Newport RI. Some have left, some have stayed in Newport. From what is seemingly an all English background, my father's family summered in Newport from Philly. A predominately excelling family in the world of business and education, a strange thing in the genetic fabric of those days started to occur, artistic creativity. Without knowing much about those early days, I can tell you that in my lifetime this creativity became the standard with my father's mother Esther Fisher Smith. From what I have been told, there was always something different about the one I called Gran who others called Fish. This strong and creative personality started a very interesting (and difficult!) family when she married John Howard Benson, one of the most creative people I have ever been told about.
It seems that both of these beings were on a common path of creativity when then met. While this can sometimes be disastrous in this case it was inspirational. By pure genetic luck, the drive, innovation and clairvoyance directly carried over to their three boys, the youngest of which I am lucky to have been fathered by.
My mother's family was based in Jamestown, RI where her father chose to raise his three girls and two boys as it was cooler in the summer and warmer in the winters than Providence, where he grew up and worked as a successful lawyer. He was a very clear thinking man with uncompromising drive and ambition. His wife, from what I have been told, was one serious force to be reckoned with.
Without diving more into all elements of my genetic fabric, could there be a more clearly painted picture to understand where I (db) came from?
My parents met when they were 14 years old during a party at a family house in the point section of Newport. They remained friends until the college years when they started dating (or so I have been told). Mom, a trained music teacher, and Dad a Brown University drop out and just exiting the Navy, decided to get married. From there they traveled in search of work in the photography and printing industry which my father had gained an interest in while working in the optics shop on a Navy repair vessel.
Kids were a must for these two so when they were told that they could not have any, my mother said, "next life, next wife sweetheart." My sister Sarah was adopted in her first two weeks of life. Soon after came my brother Luke in the same fashion. When all was said and done, the happy two kiddo family was shocked when news came of my sister Abby. With a faulty diaphraghm two years later, good ol' db was on his way. To this day my parents tell friends, "We have four mistakes, two are ours and two are someone else's." I find it very comforting.
More on my family can be found here
I have come and gone and just recently bought property in the city. It is shocking how quickly things can change in a small town. Constantly visiting allows you to float, to not be tied, to not over stay your welcome, to stay on your toes. Living in Newport has recently started taking a toll on me. I don't know what the answer is, but I will let you all know what I find.
Schooling (or lack there of), Work, Projects
As of Summer 2010, I started a new job as a network engineer for a very well established local company where I am treated well, extremely busy, and constantly challenged. This is a refreshing change from my old job that I should have left much sooner than I did. Either way, looking back I am happy the way all has gone so far.
find me at db at ibenson dot com www.ibenson.com, ibenson.com, Dan Benson, Daniel Benson, John Howard Benson, Richard Benson, Chip Benson, Oliver Benson, Nick Benson, Nicholas Benson, Christopher Benson, Oliver Benson, Sam Benson, Ester Fisher Benson, John Benson, Fud Benson, John Everett Benson, Abby Benson, Barbara Benson, Newport, Rhode Island, Ducati, Custom, BMW, db@ibenson.com, rb@ibenson.com, Yale Art School, rb@ibenson.com